Glasurit 68 Line
For outstanding results – brilliant, efficient and durable.

First-class results

Glasurit 68 Line topcoat system delivers first-class results across the board. It can be used flexibly for applications ranging from original coating to refinishing and offers the perfect solution for all vehicles, from tippers to buses. It’s brilliant, efficient and durable.
The HS 2K CV topcoat system offers superior brilliance thanks to the 568-M 135 Mixing Clear with its outstanding gloss and flow. When it comes to efficient application, the topcoat system offers first-class performance:
• with low consumption in the ready-for-use mixture,
• along with quick-drying
• and a perfect surface in only 1.5 spray coats.
That adds up to high throughput, short waiting times and in the end, quick job completion. On top of that, 68 Line also offers a unique range of colours. From a selection of around 20 mixing bases, 55,000 different colours can be mixed. 68 Line offers top-of-the-line commercial vehicle finishing.
Environmentally friendly and reliable

Since 68 Line can be applied using existing spray equipment, there are absolutely no investment costs. Moreover, the Glasurit Color-Truck-Guide is available as a professional tool for efficient colour-matching. 68 Line also meets the requirements of the VOC regulations. The reduced solvents content allows CV finishing to be done in an environmentally compatible manner and also makes the product line future-proof!
68 Line is the heart of a complete CV finishing system and is based on tried and tested technology. It is the logical result of the refinement of 18 Line, which Glasurit customers have already found to be an excellent product.
When introducing the new 68 Line customers can count on professional support from RSB. RSB provides application manuals tailored to individual requirements, which includes process charts that illustrate how to efficiently use the products.

Expert recommendations
- Less product is needed for the ready-for-use paint.
- Fewer paint leftovers and lower stock levels.
- Easier and faster touching up.
- No investment costs since 68 Line can be applied using existing spray equipment.

Considerable time saving:
- Shorter spraying times.
- 25% faster drying (30 minutes at 60 C).
- Painted surfaces are quickly ready for masking.
- Higher throughput, shorter waiting times, faster job completion.

Perfect result
- Excellent hiding power with brilliant edge cover.
- Faster curing with optimized surface hardness.
- Better gloss for easier and faster cleaning.
- A smoother surface that is less susceptible to picking up dirt.

Easy-to-use paint process
- Complete range of colours because most colours can be mixed from 21 mixing bases.
- Unlimited compatibility because any application method can be used.
- Efficient colour matching because of the Glasurit Colour Truck Guide.
- Greater freedom of variation with regard to economical and quality finishing.
To make your company fit for the future, expect the best! Use Glasurit 68 Line!