RSB Automotive Training
R-M training is a high-value offering

RSB Automotive Training
Training for Success
The R-M philosophy is strongly focused on ensuring that our customers become increasingly profitable. R-M training is a high-value offering that helps achieve just that – increased profitability for body shops. Born from the close collaboration between R-M’s technical experts and our professional trainers, our training is implemented on a global scale and combines state-of-the-art teaching methods with practical exercises which are efficient and fun!
R-M’s close relationship with painters revealed that they are not all that comfortable with traditional “school” type learning methods and the result was that only a small percentage of the message was retained. We, therefore, developed an entirely new concept based on the latest techniques in adult education, which avoids using long, formal presentations. We prefer the painters discover concepts for themselves, in group exercises or individual activities.
This helps them secure ideas and methods, which they can then use in body shops to reduce material consumption and above all, process time.
The training offer includes a complete portfolio of seminars, which deal with application techniques, best practices, and also an in-depth 3-level colour course. In an age where time is money, the investment of sending a painter for training has to provide a return on investment. This is why our innovative, efficient methods enable R-M to say, with conviction, that our customers are earning from learning.
RSB Industrial/CV Training
Perfect the skills required for your job
RSB Industrial offers in-depth and comprehensive training in the Refinish Competence Centre (RCC) located in Johannesburg. This state-of-the-art technology training centre is used to provide regular training on the Glasurit 68 Line products to our customers and technicians.
The Glasurit 68 Line training course is designed to provide trainees with all the necessary information and insights on the purpose of Industrial and Commercial Vehicle refinishing. This training course provides excellent advice on assessing finishing mistakes, and adequate paint finishes maintenance. In addition, learners will find valuable advice on finishing procedures and equipment use.
The RCC was officially opened in November 2014 and is setting the industry standard in South Africa of what a modern training centre offers. Theoretical and practical training sessions on the refinish, Industrial and CV processes are provided to both staff and customers.

RSB Paint Consumable Training

Our highly experienced instructors offer training on various paint consumable products, to ensure that you always get the perfect finish. Our instructors are highly experienced, hands-on people, who will not only impart their technical and hands-on skills but will also provide the trainees with specific knowledge for all of the refinishing products we supply.
Training on these products includes comprehensive theory and practicals ranging from the body shop, paint shop and polishing.

Training Includes:
Bodyshop training consists of panel preparation, body filler application, and bodyfiller sanding.
Paint shop training consists of primer application and sanding, masking and blending.
Polishing training consists of paint preparation, panel blending, and polishing.

Our In-house Training Facilities

Our world-class training and development centre is one of a kind. It has been established primarily to equip unskilled labourers with essential skills to enable them to seek employment in any of the automotive, industrial, woodworking, or DIY industries. It provides them with a real opportunity to find gainful employment and contribute to the Southern African economy.
There is a unique theory training room looking onto a spray booth. The room is designed to accommodate 24 trainees at a time, who will each receive weeks of comprehensive training. The centre is equipped with state-of-the-art audio-visual technology and equipment to ensure that the trainees receive exceptional instruction, education, and on-the-job training.